Name of the Village : Ogaiyur
Taluka : Arani
District :Tiruvannamalai
State :Tamilnadu
Pin code: 632518
About the village
According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Ogaiyur village is 631191. Ogaiyur village is located in Arani taluka of Tiruvannamalai district in Tamil Nadu, India. Tiruvannamalai and Arani are the district & sub-district headquarters of Ogaiyur village respectively. As per 2009 stats, Panaiyur is the gram panchayat of Ogaiyur village.
The total geographical area of village is 693.57 hectares. Ogaiyur has a total population of 1,538 peoples, out of which male population is 791 while female population is 747. Literacy rate of ogaiyur village is 62.68% out of which 71.30% males and 53.55% females are literate. There are about 390 houses in ogaiyur village. Pincode of ogaiyur village locality is 632518.
As per 2019 stats, Ogaiyur village comes under Arani assembly & parliamentary constituency. Arani is nearest town to ogaiyur village for all major economic activities, which is approximately 13km away.
Colleges :
Bus Service:
Nearest Railway station:
Nearest Airport: Chennai ( 120kms approx), Bangalore ( 245 kms approx)
Nearest Bus Terminal: Arani
Nearest Banks:
Nearest ATMs: Ogaiyur
Male Population:
Female Population :
Transgender Population:
Village President
Email ID:
Village Vice President:
Email ID:
Village Secretary:
Email ID:
Village Administrative Officer ( VAO)
Email ID:
MLA: Mr.Sevoor Ramachandran
MP: Mr.Tharanivendhan
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